Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blotanical alert!

Botanical- Where garden blogs bloom!

I stumbled across a collection of gardeners- amature, professional, container, raised beds... you name it! If you are a gardener (or want to be one) you should click on the link above. Happy gardening!


Anonymous said...

Welcome and we love it here. Your pics are really pretty. I see you love hummingbirds. They drink from the hose while I'm watering and I love to watch them.

Missa said...

Thank you for the welcome!
I found a hummingbird migration map- put food out for them yesterday as the little flying jewels are not far off. I want to have dinner ready for them- southern hospitality, you know?

Anonymous said...

Found you through Blotanical. Nice blog lots of pretty flowers and birds. Keep up the good work!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

LOL on having dinner ready for them. They will be here soon! They're magnificent!

I'm going to check out Blotanical! I just love this garden and nature blogging!

Missa said...

Hiya Row!
This is peaceful.... soothing...

By the way- I have 4 hummingbird feeders out already... :)