Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I get it from my momma....

My mother, daughter of Da, is the lineage which gives me the green thumb.

I visited my mom this week; this is what I saw.

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Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

OMG how lovely! Look at those beautiful flowers - the iris and THOSE PEONIES!!! Those peonies are unreal! So are the Iris!

Yep, ya got it from your momma :) Isn't it great to get such a gift?!

Have a great one!

Missa said...

I am telling you, Row, this is a lineage thing. My grandfather had such a green thumb it covered all the way to his toes; my mom is the same way. Neither of them had luck with roses, so I believe they pass on more then they have (Like any good teacher).

On the other hand, it gets so hot here that I can't seem to get the peonies to do well.

Have a great one!