Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blue Jay at dawn...

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Woogie said...

Thats way kewel, Liss. Is it through a window ?

Missa said...

Nope; my cold woke me up around 4 a.m. I was sitting on my front porch. Was a pretty decent angle- that was about 5:00 between sneezes!

Woogie said...

lol...your blogs are looking awesome girl!

Row and Sow and Mow and Hoe and said...

lol - between sneezes. I love Bluejays! One scared the heck out of me a few days ago. I was trying to get my camera through the limbs of a camelia bush to get a pic (had no clue a Bluejay had a nest in the bush). I found out quick!